You are here: Programming guide > COM SDK fundamentals > Creating a user interface extension > Packaging an interface extension

Packaging an interface extension

You package an interface extension by running the Visual Basic Package and Deployment Wizard to assemble copies of all the files required by the extension into an Internet Package (CAB) file.

The package should contain three types of files:

  1. The extension’s compiled DLL
  2. Dependent type libraries, controls, and other components that might not be available on a Meridian Enterprise client computer
  3. External files specific to the interface extension

If your interface extension does not have any dependencies, it is not necessary to make a downloadable package. In that case, you can directly register the extension’s .DLL file.

Follow these steps to create an interface extension package:

  1. Create a backup of the current revision of the Visual Basic project files. The extension’s source code could be required at any time in the future if maintenance is required.
  2. Compile the project if the current executable is not the latest version.
  3. In the Visual Basic integrated development environment (IDE), click the Add-Ins menu and select Package Deployment Wizard. The Package and Deployment Wizard opens as shown in the following figure.

If the wizard is not listed on the menu, select Add-In Manager to enable it. If the wizard is not listed in the Add-In Manager, it has not yet been installed. For more information on installing and enabling the Package and Deployment Wizard, refer to the Visual Basic documentation.

  1. Click the Package button. The Package Type page appears as shown in the figure below.

  1. Choose Internet Package and click Next. The Package Folder page appears as shown in the figure below.

  1. Choose a folder where you want the package saved and click Next. The default is the project folder. The wizard will create a folder named Package in the selected location. This will contain a .CAB file and an .HTM file, which are required for registering the extension on the Meridian Enterprise server.
  2. If the project uses DAO or ADO, the wizard will prompt for drivers to include. Select the appropriate drivers and continue. For example, when using Microsoft Access, include the Jet drivers. When linking to Excel, include the Excel drivers.
  3. If the project references components for which dependency information could not be found or is out of date, the wizard may warn you. If a dependency file is available for the component select it and continue. Otherwise, Click OK to continue.
  4. The Included Files page appears as shown in the following figure. This page lists all of the components referenced by the project that will be included in the package so that they are downloaded on demand by the client computer, such as additional Visual Basic controls that you have added to forms. You can safely deselect some of these files since they are already included either with the Meridian Enterprise client applications or with Microsoft Windows itself.

Deselect the following:

Click Next. The File Source page appears as in the following figure.

  1. The options on this page specify how the client computers should obtain the dependent files. Choose the option that is the most appropriate for your organization’s security policy. The safest option is Include in this cab, which will include a copy of the file in the package for the client computer to register.

Click Next. The Safety Settings page appears as shown in the following figure.

  1. Each interface extension designer will be listed on the Safety Settings page. Choose the Yes options for each to avoid conflicts with the Internet Explorer security options, and click Next. The Finished! Page appears as shown in the following figure.

  1. The choices you made throughout the Package and Deployment Wizard can be saved as a script for future reuse. Enter a descriptive name and click Finish.

  1. The wizard generates the package (CAB) file and then displays a Packaging Report window listing the package file name, a supporting batch file name, and any errors that occurred. You may save the report to a file for future reference by clicking the Save Report button. Click Close to close the Packaging Report window. Click Close to close the Package and Deployment Wizard.

The extension is now packaged and ready for registering on the Meridian Enterprise server.

Related information

Registering an interface extension